Foley Retail Consulting

Foley Retail Consulting is a company that spans the globe, providing retail strategies that work.

Foley Retail Consulting is a business founded by Paul Foley after 23 years at the retail giant Aldi Süd.
The business idea is to form a team of C-Level executives from various retail industries and skills who offer themselves as an outsourced project team to solve retailers and investor challenges in a quick and practical manner.

Since 2010 Foley Retail Consulting has operated in Europe both West and East, Russia and CIS countries, most countries in the Middle East, and Brazil.

Foley Retail Consulting will add value to the ‘core’ concept of any retail business!
This can only be achieved by real attention to detail, because it is true what many have said in the past: “retail is detail”.

We know well the doubts that are brought against management consultancies.
And we openly agree that there is substance to such popular perception, as expressed in this example taken from the internet: “Ninety percent of these so called ‘strategy consultants’ can put down a lot of theories and ideas on paper, but have zero sense about successful or for the matter, realistic implementation. They are a waste of money most of the time.”

how can we help you?

We will get in touch with you shortly! 
We are also happy to arrange a telephone or VOIP call to better understand your needs.

“FRC were able to provide prompt and accurate services for our needs, their knowledge of global retailing is impressive”

Nat Roberts
Development Manager, The GPT Group